Wednesday, August 11, 2010

CEP 812: Project Evaluation

When doing another TechQuest project, I need to be mindful of two things.  First off, I need to be sure that the scope of my project is not to lofty, but reasonable and able to be implemented in a fairly short period of time without much fuss.  I believe that I bit off more than I could chew by trying to look at Examview as well as student response systems for improving the timeliness and quality of feedback for students and parents.  I should have kept the focus on one technology attempting to maximize its effectiveness in the educational setting, later looking at, perhaps, how the other could be tied in.

Secondly, refining my search techniques and tapping into the resources of others (websites, blogs, Delicious accounts) is key.  Most of my research was done using Google and Google Scholar.  I would then find good resources and search the references of those resources to locate others.  I need to become much more proficient with using library systems and their databases to find information on topics.  Often times, however, technological innovations are too new and articles related to them are few in number.  This is when being a part of an educational technology community comes into play.  I can look at sites like Tech & Learning and MACUL space to stay current.  Also, utilizing my RSS feeds more effectively could help me locate resources and information on my proposed topic.

When embarking on a Techquest such as this, in my opinon, the most important thing to know is where to find resources.  I came across a website that housed a plethora of quality resources.  21 things for the 21st Century: Technology every educator should know connects teachers to the top, most prominent and user-friend resources available based on the National Educational Technology Standards for teachers.  In particular, I was interested in the links for professional organizations and networking.  I have bookmarked this site and will refer to it often. 

When endeavoring to do a project such as this again, I will begin with the research of several interests and narrow my topic down based on what I’m able to find with regards to research.  If the work cannot be substantiated, then it feels like there is less chance of success.  Even if others have not experienced success, one can learn from their experiences and tweak to create a best practice.  I would also keep a journal along the way so that I can document successes and pitfalls throughout each stage of the process.  Lastly, I would try to find another teacher who is interested in the same thing to work along with me.  This collaboration would be priceless and have maximum benefit for student learning.     


  1. Terrific future project strategies, here! I LOVED the journal idea and will most likely "borrow" it for my next Alien Adventure project. I think inviting another teacher to join the journey - is just marvelous. What a great way to spread the message about educational technology, plus having a colleague to bounce ideas off of=8-). Good luck as you implement your ExamView/SRS's project in the fall. I hope you realize the results you are looking for.

  2. We always seems to bite off more than we can handle, but that is just ensuring that you are gathering as much information as possible to get the best overview of the project. It happens to all of us when doing a project of this size.

    You idea of finding someone who has similar interest is KEY! As I stated in my evaluation, I want to find someone else within the university that has already done it before. Sure you can find more resources at library, but if you find a colleague in another school that has been through it, you'll get the truth about how it went and what they would change if ever had to do it again. Overall, I think you are moving in right direction with starting a bit smaller on the project and expanding as more opportunities, funding, and resources become available. Good luck!

  3. It's great that you can use the tool you made in your class.
    I am very interested in childhood education, but I cannot test my ideas because of human subjects.
